Technologies commercialized
Released strains of temperature tolerant white button mushroom (A.bitorquis): Two improved strains of summer white button mushroom (Agaricus bitorquis) viz; NCB-6 and NCB-13 were released alongwith complete package of practices in form of 2 booklets during the VIIIth AICMIP Workshop held at NRCM, Solan from 1-2 May, 2000. The new varieties are introduction from hot areas of USA and were released for commercial cultivation in India after evaluation trials and standardization of cultivation technology for 6-7 years at this Centre. Both these exotic strains performed better during multilocational testing at the Centres of All India Coordinated Mushroom Improvement Project as well as during "On Farm Trials" conducted at Solan.
Released strains of A.bisporus: Developed and released 3 new strains of Agaricus bisporus (NCS-100, NCS-101, NCH-102) (two single spore isolates and one hybrid strain) for use in India. Followings are the technologies commercialized at DMR, Solan.

Developer : Shwet Kamal, Manjit Singh, R.C. Upadhyay, O.P. Ahlawat, V.P. Sharma
Developer : Shwet Kamal, Manjit Singh, R.C. Upadhyay, O.P. Ahlawat, V.P. Sharma, Satish Kumar

Developer : Shwet Kamal, Manjit Singh, R.C. Upadhyay, O.P. Ahlawat, V.P. Sharma
Developer : Shwet Kamal, V.P. Sharma, Anupam Barh,Rakesh Bairwa

Developer : Shwet Kamal, V.P. Sharma, Anupam Barh, Rakesh Bairwa
Developer : R.C. Upadhayay, Anupam Barh, V.P. Sharma, Satish Kumar, Shwet Kamal, Sudheer Kumar Annepu, Anil Kumar

Developer : V.P. Sharma, Satish Kumar, Manjit Singh
Developer : V.P. Sharma, Satish Kumar, Manjit Singh

Developer : V.P. Sharma, Satish Kumar, Manjit Singh
Developer : V.P. Sharma, Satish Kumar, Manoj Nath

Developer : O.P. Ahlawat, Manjit Singh, Satish Kumar
Developer : O.P. Ahlawat, Manjit Singh, R.C. Upadhyay, Shwet Kamal

Developer : Dr G.C. Wakchaure and Dr. Manjit Singh
Developer : Dr G.C. Wakchaure and Dr. Manjit Singh
Details about Technologies Developed by ICAR-DMR Solan please click here
Title of the Technology: Binding agents in mushrooms for development of meat analogues - click here
Title of the Technology: Mushroom fortified millet cookies - click here
Title of the Technology: Mushroom fortified instant noodles for better quality and nutritive value - click here
Title of the Technology: Mushroom millets Nutri-bar - click here
Title of the Technology: Management of Wet Bubble Disease (WBD) using understanding of its pathogenesis in Button Mushroom - click here
Easy, Reliable and Safe Substrate Sterilization Technique for Oyster Mushroom