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Mushroom Mela


The  mushroom mela  was started in the year 1997.  It was started on experimental level but now it has been recognized by the mushroom farming community. On seeing the response of farmers / mushroom growers, the ICAR-DMR has considered it as a regular extension activity and it has taken shape of national  mushroom mela as it is being attended by the participants across the country.


ICAR-DMR, Solan organises  Mushroom Mela on 10th September, every year, the day on which Solan was declared as “Mushroom City of India”.  It is first of its kind in India and gaining popularity day by day.  Every year a large number of farmers, mushroom growers, mushrooms industry people and extension workers participate in this event.


The sale of mushroom spawn / culture, horticultural and agricultural implements, horticultural products, technical literature, improved seeds of vegetables etc. is the other added attractions of this Mela.  Although this Mela is primarily on mushrooms, Institutions and Departments related to agriculture, horticulture, finance and some reputed NGOs also  exhibit their technologies and provide on-the-spot information, consultancy, etc.  A demonstration on latest innovations / technologies developed is also depicted to the farmers.


For the benefit of the participants, Kisan Goshthi  is also organised in which farmers, mushroom growers, marketing personnel and extension workers visiting the Mela participate and interact face to face with the scientists and experts of the ICAR-DMR and other organisations, on various mushroom related problems and issues.  This Mushroom Mela provides an opportunity to the farmers and mushroom growers to seek ‘on the spot’ solutions to their mushroom related problems.









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Last Update : Thursday, February 6, 2025