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For Farmers
Mushroom cultivation is highly profitable venture and can easily be taken up by unemployed youths and farmers as an additional income generation source. Mushroom being an indoor crop does not require arable land, except for some non-agricultural land to build the infrastructure for preparation of substrate, raising of crop, preparation of spawn and post harvest handling. Mushrooms  are grown seasonally and in environment controlled cropping houses and both require building of basic infrastructure.  Infrastructure and machinery requirement would differ for different type of mushroom chosen for cultivation. Under mentioned points are required to be taken into consideration while opening a mushroom unit. 
    Chosen site should preferably be away from the municipal limits and entrepreneur should purchase sufficient land in one go looking to the future expansion.
    The site should be serviced by a motorable road, or nearer to a road head to reduce costs on transportation of raw materials to the farm/finished product to the market.
    Plentiful availability of water at the site either through a perennial source or should have sufficient underground water.
    Easy availability of raw materials especially straw and poultry manure around the chosen site at cheaper costs in the area.
    Availability of cheap labour in abundance.
    Uninterrupted Proper power supply at the chosen site.
    Nearness to the market for the proper disposal of the produce.



Mushroom Farm Fabrication & Machinery

  1. M/s Bigman Refrigeration Pvt. Ltd., L-253, Sourbh Vihar, Hari Nagar, Badarpur, New Delhi - 110044.  Phone 9873789576, Email :,
  2. Jayaa Agro Foods (Dr. Sushant Shekhar), Deoghar, Jharkhand, Contact 9844796120, Email :


  1. Double T Equipment Manufacturing Company, 2-East Lake Way, PO Box 3627, Airdrie, Alberta, Canada - T4B2B5.
  2. Maxxdge Private Limited, Plot No. 434, Phase 9, Industrial Area, Mohali, Email:, : Mobile : 7087785100, 9930073766
  3. Temp Master Enterprises,15-16/7,  First Floor, Community Centre, Naranina Industrial Area Phase-I, New Delhi - 110 028.
  4. M/s Christiaens Horst, Herenbos Wag, 6, 5962, NX Horst, Holland.
  5. Mr. J.Huys, bv, Mushroom Consulting , Veemarket 7, 5961 ER Horst, Holland.
  6. Thilot Holland bv, Hoogstraat, 11-17, 5973, UD Lottum, Holland.



  1. Indcon Boilers, D-170, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi - 110 020.
  2. Indvent Engineers Pvt. Ltd., C-12, Amar Colony Market, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi - 110 024.
  3. Lal Sons & Company, 1663/1, Mukerjee Marg, New Delhi - 110 006.
  4. Laxmi Boilers (North), 602, Deepali, 92, Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110 019.
  5. M/s Regional Facility Centre, Chambaghat, Solan - 173 213 (HP).
  6. Thermax Ltd. 9, Community Centre, Basant Lok, New Delhi - 110 057.
  7. Urjex Industries S-26, Industrial Estate, Partpur, Meerut - 250 102.
  8. M/s Himachal Mushroom Machinery, 104, Housing Board Colony, Saproon, Solan - 173 211, HP.



  1. Airef Engineers, 117, Tagore Park,  Model Town,Delhi - 110 009.
  2. Armic Projects Services, S.No.30/3-A, Plot No.7, Tiny Industrial Estate, Opp. Water Tank, Kondhwa, Budruk, Pune(MS)
  3. Blue Star Limited, Adarsh Mall, 4th Floor, Plot No. 50, Industrial & Business Park, Phase-II, Chandigarh-160002, Phone : +91 172 502 4000/4121.
  4. M/s Bigman Refrigeration Pvt. Ltd., L-253, Sourbh Vihar, Hari Nagar, Badarpur, New Delhi - 110044.  Phone 9873789576, Email :,
  5. Blue Star Refrigeration System - M/s Vishwadeep Enterprises, Shop No. 36, IInd Floor, GTB Complex, Dhanas, Chandigarh -160014 : Mobile No. 9815105144.
  6. Delta Systems, C-404, Som Vihar Apartments, Sangam Marg,  R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110 022.
  7. Fedders Lloyd Corpn. Ltd., 167, Industrial Area, Phase-I, Chandigarh - 160 002.
  8. Guru Partap Refrigeration, F-289, Phase 8-B, Industrial Focal Point, SAS Nagar, Mohali (Punjab), Email : gpr.punjab@gmail.comPhone : 0172-2216878, Mobile : 9316005520 - Specialized in : Refrigeration, Compost Turner,  Filling Line,  Hopper, Insulation, etc.
  9. M/s Battiboi & Company Ltd.,  15, J.N. Herdia Road,Ballard Estate,  Mumbai  - 400 038.
  10. M/s Premier Insulators, Rajouri Garden, Maya Enclave, New Delhi - 110 001.
  11. M/s. R.A.C. Equipments India Pvt. Ltd., 57/1E, Gali No.1, Hira Nagar,
  12. M/s. Sidwal Refrigeration Industries Pvt. Ltd., 1203-Ansal Tower, 38-Nehru Place, New Delhi – 110 019.
  13. M/s. Synergy Thrislington, A-1, Phase-1, Industrial Area, Mohali. Email:, Mobile: +91-9815511374, +91-9888373297, Specialized in: PUF insulated chambers for mushroom cultivation.
  14. M/s. Tempmaster Enterprises (India ) Pvt. Ltd., 15-16/7, First Floor, Community Centre,Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi – 110 023. Pataudi Road, Gurgaon - 122 001, Haryana
  15. Bellmonte Industries Private Limited, Goodwill Infinity, 1110, 11th Floor, Plot No. E, 3A, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra - 410210.  Phone : 022 3512 3293, 022 3512 8536, Email :, Website :
  16. LLOYD INSULATIONS (INDIA) LIMITED : 2, Kalkaji Industrial Area, New Delhi - 110019, Mobile : 9417004025, Office Phone : 011-69652900, FAX : 011-6965996,  Email :  Website : 



  1. M/s Bigman Refrigeration Pvt. Ltd., L-253, Sourbh Vihar, Hari Nagar, Badarpur, New Delhi - 110044.  Phone 9873789576, Email :,
  2. ISUZU-Krishna Automobiles, Plot No. 125, Industrial Area Phase-I, Chandigarh- 160002 INDIA, Phone : 98886-26761,, website:



  1. Divecha Glass Industries, 249, Bal Rajeshwar Road, 185, Marg Mulund (W), Mumbai - 400 080.
  2. K.S.T. Foods and Services Pvt. Ltd., C-07/87, Vishnu Prasad Mahant Road, Vile Park, Mumbai - 400 057.
  3. M/s B.Sen Barry & Company, 65/11, New Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110 005.
  4. M/s Techno Equipments, 31, Parekh Street, Mumbai - 400 004.
  5. M/s. Bajaj Maschinen (P) Ltd., C-582, New Friends Colony, New Delhi – 110 065.
  6. Mariental India Pvt. Ltd., B-28, Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi - 110 017.
  7. Mather and Platt (India) Ltd., 805-806, Ansal Bhawan, 16, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001.
  8. Poysha Industrial Co Ltd., Tiercicon House, Dr. F. Moses Road, Mumbai - 400 011.
  9. Poysha Industrial Co. Ltd., Tiecicon House, Dr. E.Moses Road, Bombay – 400 011
  10. Rollatainers Ltd., 13/6, Mathura Road, Faridabad - 121 003.
  11. The Tine Plate Co. of India Ltd., 4, Bankeshall Street, Calcutta - 700 001.



  1. Widsons Scientific Works, Sadar Thana Road, Delhi - 110 006.
  2. M/s V. R. Dhiman & Company, Manufacturers of Scientific Laboratory Equipments, 2512/3, Bengali Mohalla, Near Jain Dharamshala
  3. Ambala Cantt-133001 (HARYANA) Phone : 91 9729446068, 8307054161, Email :,



  1. M/s. Analyser Instrument Co. Pvt. Ltd., 5-B-7, Vigyan Nagar, Kota – 324 005. ( Rajasthan)
  2. M/s. Bellamio Aircontrol, Via dell’industria, 5-325012 Casmpsosampiero (Padova), Italy.
  3. M/s. S.W. and W.S.Burrage, 4 Bowfield, Hastingleigh, Ashford, Kent, UK.
  4. M/s.Environmental Instruments, Sovereign House, Queensway, Leamiagton Spa, Warwichshire, CV 31 3JR, England.



  1. M/s Plastic Sales Corporation, 6/36, Gali Gurdwara, Nabi Karim,
     Pahar Ganj, New Delhi – 110 055.


  1. M/s. Chopra Plastics, Shed No. 122, D.S.I., D.C.Sangam Park, Rana Pratap Bagh, New Delhi – 110 007


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Last Update : Friday, March 28, 2025