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Research Papers

1. Attri, B. L., Srivastava, A., Bijla, S., Kamal, S. & Sharma, V. P.2022. Contribution of mushroom production for better environment, nutrition and health. Indian Horticulture, 66 (5).
2.Barh, A., Sharma. K., Bhatt. P., Annepu, S.K., Nath, M, Shirur, M., Kumari, B., Kaundal, K., Kamal, S., Sharma, V.P., Gupta, S., Sharma, A., Gupta, M. & Dutta, U. 2022. Identification of key regulatory pathways of basidiocarp formation in Pleurotus spp. using modeling, simulation and system biology studies. Journal of Fungi, 8:1073.
3. Debnath, S., Attri, B.L., Kumar, A., Kishor, A., Narayan, R., Shinha, K., Bhowmik, A., Sharma, A. & Singh, D.B. 2020. Influence of peach (Prunus persica Batsch.) phenological stage on the shrot term changes in oxidizable and liable pools of soil organic carbon and activities of carbon cycle enzymes in the North-Western Himalayas. Pedosphere, 30 (5):638-650.
4. Debnath, S., Purakayastha, T. J., Kishor, A., Kumar, A., & Bhowmik, A. (2022). Temperate fruit farming in fragile lands of the Northwestern Himalayan region: Implications for subsoil nutrient availability, nutrient stock and soil quality. Land Degradation & Development, 33(17): 3484–3496.
5. Karn, R., Ranjan, J.K., Das, B. & Attri, B.L. 2022. In-vitro regeneration in long day garlic (Allium sativum). Current Hort., 10 (1): 37-40.
6. Kumar, A., Attri, B.L., Kishor, A., Debnath, S., Mer, M.S. & Narayan, R. 2020. Influence of rootstocks on white root rot (Dematophora necatrix) resistance in apple (Malus baccata). Indian J. Agril. Sci., 90 (1): 53-57.
7. Kumar, A., Sharma, V.P. & Kumar, S. 2022. Studies on genetic variability and sensitivity of fungicides, botanicals and microbial pesticides in Mycogone perniciosa Magn. causing wet bubble disease (WBD) of button mushroom. Indian Phytopathology.
8. Kumar, S., Kamal, S. & Rana, J.  2022. Studies on evaluation of antibacterial activities of some cultivated mushrooms against human pathogenic bacteria. Mushroom Research, 31(1): 81–91.
9. Kumar, S., Sagar, A., Kamal, S.  & Rana, J.  2022. Morphological and molecular characterization of some popular cultivated mushrooms of India. Mushroom Research, 31(1): 25–38.
10. Kumari, B., Kamal, S., Singh, R., Sharma, V.P. & Sanspal V. 2022. Traditional knowledge of the wild edible mushrooms of Himachal Pradesh. Studies in Fungi 7:15.
11. Nath, M., Barh, A., Kumar, A., Kamal, S. & Sharma, V.P. 2022. A new high yielding low cost technology for the cultivation of Volvariella volvacea (paddy straw mushroom). Agriculture Research Journal, 59(2): 328-333.
12. Nath, M., Barh, A., Sharma, A., Bijla, S., Bairwa, R. K., Kamal, S. & Sharma, V. 2022. Impact of the different casing material on the yield of Calocybe indica in polyethylene bag and bed system. Mushroom Research, 31(2): 181–186.



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